Jost van Dyke


“Your astrology becomes your biography”
-Jost van Dyke

Hello, I'm Jost

1954, in rural North Florida two years before my birth, my parents had an extraterrestrial Close Encounter.  An inaudible, paralyzing bright light inexplicably hovered over their parked car. 

My dad would later tease me as a child I was spawned by beings from outer space.  I suspect mom and dad often asked themselves: “Did we take home the wrong baby from the hospital?!”.

At the age of four, I had an angelic visitation.   This impactful event left an indelible mark upon my young psyche.  The visitation remains palpably vibrant today.  I have total sensory recall of its inherent message decades later.

There’s no doubt these two “cosmic experiences” are linked.  Among countless other mystical experiences, I’ve had since, each experience made a significant impact upon molding who I am.  Each instilled affirmative insight into a Higher Consciousness at play that connects ALL entities and multiverse matter.  Empirical knowledge gained from these experiences has also deepened my compassion to serve others through my prophetic gift.

I’ve been psychic as far back as I can remember.  Vivid precognitive dreams and revelatory visions about world events – and individuals – have been surprisingly accurate over the years.

Astrology, Tarot – even music- are mediums that assist in delivering psychic guidance that shines light on the Seen and Unseen.

Clients often remark I’m a “waker-upper”.  Perhaps, because of tuning into a client’s energy field I bring awareness to hidden parts previously unknown.  Clients confide I’m a “guiding light”, “a visionary with tremendous insight”, “an empathic gift to those who seek trusted guidance”.

I simply honor my duty and responsibility to provide a rich, personalized “cosmic portrait” that synergizes past, present, and future timelines into relevance for you, now.

Your personal story has meaning and inherent purpose as life experiences mold and shape the evolution of who you are.  I’m available to dialogue with an empathic ear and offer a tap on the shoulder if you seek confirmation, or an alternate perspective.

I offer a safe, non-judgmental space that’s more than a transfer of information.  Each session is a unique approach to intuitive astrology and/or Tarot that fosters transformation – and, inspires clarity and hope when most needed.

“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes.”

-Carl Jung

Intuitive Astrology

Intuitive Astrology provides a deeper understanding about how past, present, and future astrological trends influence and direct your inner and outer worlds.

Transformational Tarot

A Transformational Tarot reading offers an opportunity to probe deep for answers within the psychic field of probability that connects us all.


Astromantra connects the planetary frequencies contained within your natal chart to a personalized piece of music.

What they say about Jost