Astro Chronicles

Autumn Equinox 2024

Persephone, daughter of Demeter/Ceres, returns to Underworld Hades to fulfill her ‘soul contract’ with Dark Lord Pluto. The Equinox coincides with Venus square Pluto.  The concurrence provides another reference to Persephone’s ‘hostage situation’ in the Underworld. When the Sun enters Libra, Capricorn Ceres squares the Aries: Libra nodes and creates a point of tension: a Cardinal T-square. This energy causes unnecessary conflict and frustration.  The Aries: Libra nodes are pushing us toward bold, progressive, pioneering change, forging ahead for the sake of change – sometimes leaving common sense in the dust. Capricorn Ceres is keeping us in check.  Ceres is playing the stern parent who is tasked with keeping her rowdy youngins in line.  She offers a  counterforce of balance

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Debate Day 2024: In the event chart cast for 10 September 2024, Philadelphia PA @ 9 PM/EST, Pisces Saturn-Gemini Jupiter-Virgo Sun-Sagittarius moon form a rare Mutable Grand Cross/Square (by sign). A ‘dramatic’ change is in the air.  It looks like the ‘active agent’ is conflicted zeitgeist ideologies versus common sense functionality in the ‘real world’ as conveyed through contentious opponents. How will each presidential candidate be affected? After a cursory glance, the chart’s Saturn conjuncts Kamala’s natal 10th H Chiron in opposition to the chart’s Sun conjunction with her natal 4th H Uranus-Pluto-Mercury stellium. Let’s not forget ‘The Reinvention of Kamala Harris’ was crafted during Mercury retrograde vibes. That might prove challenging.  Saturn conjunct Chiron:  It looks like Kamala will

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Mercury REturns to Virgo as he REtrieves his shadow.  Mercury fully integrates his shadow on 9/11/24, the day after the (one and only) presidential debate. During Mercury’s recent REtrograde, he was on a REconnaissance mission backtracking through Virgo and REvisiting theatrical, “Joy Vibes” Leo. Leo’s media-generated, big production “Joy Vibe” afflatus was short-lived due to Virgo Mercury’s requisite “cut the BS, give me substance” mindset. “…Lights. Camera. (CGI) Action!” Discernment and (obligatory) objectivity are essential, especially now. Mercury rules Virgo.  As a matter of fact, Mercury is exalted in Virgo’s practicality, unerring good judgement, and critical (hyper-critical) thinking. Very little escapes Mercury Virgo’s attention to detail who prizes precision and functionality. Virgo Mercury will unapologetically call you out – and

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Pithy Astro Forecast
Jost VanDyke

“The World Is Watching”: DNC 2024

At 3:30PM/EST on 28 August 1968, a teenage boy climbed up a flagpole adjacent to the DNC Convention Center and lowered the USA flag. Thousands of anti-Vietnam war protesters who had assembled earlier, suddenly erupted into violent chaos as demonstrators and police clashed in what was described as a “police riot”. The protest was an alarming snapshot of the deep divisions within the Democratic Party and the American populace over the futility of the Vietnam War that further fueled a broader anti-war movement. “The revolution will be televised.” This event was broadcast live on television. Thus, “The Whole World Is Watching” banner slogan was borne. In the event chart cast for 28 August 1968 @ 3:30PM/EST Chicago, Jupiter-Pluto-Mercury-Venus-Uranus were compact

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Pithy Astro Forecast
Jost VanDyke

Virgo Season

Virgo Season kicks off with her ruler Mercury stationing retrograde @ Virgo 21-22 on Wednesday 23 August. As we know, among the areas Mercury rules are cognition and communication. Mercury likes to gather facts and information, too. Although we tend to relegate Mercury to mundane tasks – especially while he’s in fastidious Virgo – there’s a spiritual dimension to Mercury, as well. The Winged Messenger is the social butterfly, the emissary between the inner, outer, lower, higher realms of the mind. Thus, Mercury is quite well-versed in divination and is the intuitive connector of seemingly disparate dots and meaningful patterns. Virgo rules the Solar 6th house of everyday life – wellbeing and health, occupation and digestion. Virgo alchemizes the nuts

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