Debate Day 2024:

In the event chart cast for 10 September 2024, Philadelphia PA @ 9 PM/EST, Pisces Saturn-Gemini Jupiter-Virgo Sun-Sagittarius moon form a rare Mutable Grand Cross/Square (by sign).

A ‘dramatic’ change is in the air.  It looks like the ‘active agent’ is conflicted zeitgeist ideologies versus common sense functionality in the ‘real world’ as conveyed through contentious opponents.

How will each presidential candidate be affected?

After a cursory glance, the chart’s Saturn conjuncts Kamala’s natal 10th H Chiron in opposition to the chart’s Sun conjunction with her natal 4th H Uranus-Pluto-Mercury stellium.

Let’s not forget ‘The Reinvention of Kamala Harris’ was crafted during Mercury retrograde vibes.

That might prove challenging.  Saturn conjunct Chiron:  It looks like Kamala will be forced to ‘go back’ for an incommodious ‘life review’ as ‘unresolved issues’ rise to the surface for clarification.

Kamala was born as the epochal Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo applied.  The ‘revolutionary’ themes introduced in the 60s – especially Woman’s Rights and environmental protection – are encoded in her DNA. 

The Virgo Sun will call her out on explicitly defining and laying out in detail what exactly she means by her ‘values haven’t changed’.  Are those vague, variable values she holds dear applicable and reasonable in the everyday world of sustaining traditional Democracy?

Briefly for Trump, transiting Uranus conjuncts his Taurus Midheaven square his natal Leo Mars-ascendant.

Reminder: Taurus rules the voice and verbiage that spews forth from the mouth.  Enough said.

However, Leo rules the heart – and Trump’s ascendant conjuncts royal star Regulus, “the heart of a lion”.

Did the assassination attempt truly change him – in the least?  It might be a battle of internal wits to lead with his heart rather than rely upon his tired, old claptrap playbook.

The Sagittarius moon will conjunct Trump’s natal moon-South Node in the 4th house opposite his natal Gemini Uranus-North Node-Sun stellium in the 10th.

In other words, Trump has a lunar return moment tonight when the moon is in its second quarter phase.
Second quarter phase is likened to a bud forming before the bloom.

Trump has the potential to change minds if he can demonstrate he’s changed his past petulant behavior.

It’s interesting to note, Kamala’s natal Virgo Uranus-Pluto-Venus stellium in her foundational 4th house squares-off with Trump’s natal Gemini Uranus-North Node-Sun in his 10th house.

They most assuredly don’t see eye to eye.  Yet, apparently that didn’t prohibit Kamala’s campaign from co-opting a few Trump policies.

Kamala’s third house Leo Mars will conjunct Trump’s 12th house Leo Mars.

Can Trump face and successfully defend his ‘record’ against prosecutorial Kamala and present himself with presidential decorum?  Will he explode when confronted and needled with his ‘felonious’ history?

Can Kamala express and conduct herself with consequential clarity not seen before?

Or, will she implode into a morass of ‘Kamalasplaining’ after four years of bad policy were crammed into one week’s preparation when she’s forced to ‘go back’ and defend her ‘dereliction of duty’ over the previous four years as VP? 

That’s enormous pressure for even the most experienced debaters.
