“The World Is Watching”: DNC 2024

At 3:30PM/EST on 28 August 1968, a teenage boy climbed up a flagpole adjacent to the DNC Convention Center and lowered the USA flag.

Thousands of anti-Vietnam war protesters who had assembled earlier, suddenly erupted into violent chaos as demonstrators and police clashed in what was described as a “police riot”.

The protest was an alarming snapshot of the deep divisions within the Democratic Party and the American populace over the futility of the Vietnam War that further fueled a broader anti-war movement.

“The revolution will be televised.”

This event was broadcast live on television.

Thus, “The Whole World Is Watching” banner slogan was borne.

In the event chart cast for 28 August 1968 @ 3:30PM/EST Chicago, Jupiter-Pluto-Mercury-Venus-Uranus were compact in a Virgo stellium in the chart’s 9th house of beliefs, higher mind – philosophical principles.  Recalcitrant Uranus had separated from his epochal conjunction with Soul Power Pluto and bookended a sandwiched Virgo Mercury-Venus conjunction.

(Uranus @ Virgo 28-29 in the chart opposes Neptune’s current position @ Pisces 29 and squares the USA’s Pluto return @ Capricorn 27-28.)

The “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” Virgo stellium formed a “Finger of G-D” yod aspect with 4th house Saturn @ Aries 25-26 and 11th house Neptune @ Scorpio 23-24.

The chart’s Pluto @ Virgo 22-23 was conjunct the USA’s Neptune @ Virgo 22-23, also in the 9th house.

Our country’s noble principles and ideology were undergoing an intensification of shedding old skin and molting calcified doctrines that led us to a nexus of regeneration and transformation.

However, with Aries Saturn in the 4th house, some things – like a Military War Machine home base – are just too ingrained in the memory banks of our nation’s DNA to be sublimated.  Even the most vocal among the anti-war protesters who led the march toward Antiestablishmentarianism sold out and moved to Wall St.

If you recall at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson was the incumbent president and front runner for the Democratic Party’s nomination.  But, he later withdrew from the race due to narrowly winning the New Hampshire primary.

VP Hubert Humphrey eventually emerged as the DNC’s presidential candidate amidst violent anti-war sentiments.

However, he consequently lost to Republican Richard Nixon.

Jump to present time.

DNC 2024 will kickoff Monday morning 19 August 2024 @ 7AM/EST in Chicago when the delegates convene for breakfast.

Incumbent President Joe Biden was forced to resign from his second term race.

VP Kamala Harris has been put in his place as the front runner of the DNC’s presidential nomination.

Anti-war protesters who violently oppose the Israel-Palestine conflict (that presently divides the Democratic Party) are already descending upon Chicago ready to launch demonstrations outside the DNC convention center.

It’s interesting to note, in a chart cast for commencement of the DNC Convention Monday 19 August 2024 @ 7AM/EST in Chicago, the sun will be @ Leo 27-28 conjunct Trump’s natal ascendant @ Leo 29 (conjunct royal star Regulus) in the chart’s 12th house of “self-undoing” and all that remains hidden from conscious awareness.  There’s a full moon @ Aquarius 27-28 that opposes in the chart’s 6th house of “a day in the life, mundane world”, self-improvement and service to others.

The chart’s Jupiter @ Gemini 17-18 in the chart’s 10th house – (keep an eye on Overlord of Cosmic Jurisprudence and Bestower of Beneficence Jupiter until Election Day) – will conjunct Trump’s natal Uranus @ Gemini 17-18 in his natal 10th house of public acclaim.

(Transiting Jupiter in the DNC Convention chart is within an orb of influence to Trump’s natal 10th house sun-North Node @ Gemini 22-23/Gemini 20-21, respectively.  On 5 November 2024 – Election Day – retrograde Jupiter will provide another boost of good juju when he conjuncts Trump’s Gemini Sun-North Node, once again.)

Does this portend another reprise to DNC 1968?

Will boiling, incriminating intel bubbling beneath the festivities rise to the surface and make a mockery of the spectacle?

Will violent anti-war, anti-Semitic protests cast a pall and dampen the DNC’s joyful dance to victory?

Will Donald J. Trump have a surprise “Nixon win”?

(N.B:  Please don’t shoot the [I]independent messenger.  I just interpret what I see.)

“The Whole World Is Watching.”
