Persephone, daughter of Demeter/Ceres, returns to Underworld Hades to fulfill her ‘soul contract’ with Dark Lord Pluto.

The Equinox coincides with Venus square Pluto.  The concurrence provides another reference to Persephone’s ‘hostage situation’ in the Underworld.

When the Sun enters Libra, Capricorn Ceres squares the Aries: Libra nodes and creates a point of tension:

a Cardinal T-square.

This energy causes unnecessary conflict and frustration.  The Aries: Libra nodes are pushing us toward bold, progressive, pioneering change, forging ahead for the sake of change –

sometimes leaving common sense in the dust.

Capricorn Ceres is keeping us in check.  Ceres is playing the stern parent who is tasked with keeping her rowdy youngins in line.  She offers a  counterforce of balance and practicality that prides itself on being well-organized when it comes to nurturance and compassionate, responsible stewardship.

It may feel like you’re navigating a tightrope  stretched between holding tight to traditional values on one end and ‘tossing the baby out with the bath water’ on the other.

There is a pronounced sense of duty to protect and safeguard precious heirlooms from our collective past:  the mortar that holds us together.

The challenge is to discern what elements from the past are weighing us down and thwarting forward momentum.

We could certainly stand to divest ourselves from systemic disease and corruption that have been cornerstones tied around our necks.

The pustulant boil on the buttocks of society needs to be lanced before ultimate healing can be integrated.

It’s interesting to note, Venus conjuncts Haumea at the commencement of Equinox ‘harvest’ prior to her entrance into transformative, mysterious Scorpio.

Fertile Haumea is presently positioned @ Scorpio 0-1.  This marks a time of ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’ – sorting the valuable from the worthless.  In order to receive the bounty Venus-Haumea can provide, we are encouraged to release vestiges of our past that continue to haunt us.

Can you handle the Truth requisite for radical rebirth?

It’s renunciation time.

Spoiler Alert:  The labor pains may hurt like bloody hell.

“…Gird up your loins.  This is a year when Divine Justice that serves Cosmic Order will wield the gavel.

The Truth revealed will sting like bloody hell.

Sacred cows will be led to the slaughterhouse amidst scandal and duplicity that will create tsunami-like shock waves….”.

– Jost, 10 February 2024, Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 forecast (excerpt)
